Guide to calculate the website redesign cost

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Guide to calculate the website redesign cost

 Mar 16, 2022

When looking to redesign your website (Know Website Redesign Cost), you’ll quickly learn that the cost can vary greatly from one provider to another, depending on the features and functionality you want to include. 

If you’re not familiar with pricing in this area, it can seem like comparing apples to oranges! Here are 6 factors that affect website redesign cost.

1) Which platforms do you use?

With any new web design project, there will be some research involved in determining which platform you should use for your website. The issue is that not all platforms are equal in capabilities or pricing. 

Choosing incorrectly could cost you more money or even delay your launch date for months. That’s why it’s important to understand what each platform does and how they compare with each other on features and pricing before making a decision as well as have some backup options just in case you can’t choose right away or run into snags when building out your website.

2) Will you keep the same hosting?

If you plan on keeping your current hosting, you’ll be charged a fee for transferring your site over. This is usually pretty simple, and doesn’t cost much—if you have a web development company that specializes in website design, they should know how to do it—but can take some time depending on how complex your current site is. 

The first thing any website designer will want to do is review your existing code and find out what exactly makes up your site so they can recreate it with as little work as possible (saving both of you money). If it turns out that customizing your existing site is not an option, then at least try negotiating with them on getting a discount for redesigning from scratch. It never hurts to ask!

3) What resources are needed?

The website redesign cost is a direct result of how much time, talent, and other resources are required to create and/or update your site. If you’re going for a small touch-up, you can probably do it yourself. But if you want a full redesign—including custom graphics, UX design, and web development—your costs will increase substantially. 

It’s also important to consider ongoing costs, like hosting fees and developer salaries. In all cases, knowing what kind of work your project entails will help determine what resources are needed and subsequently how much you should spend on it.

4) How long will this project take?

One of the most common questions website redesign companies get is, How long will it take? Of course, there are no right or wrong answers because every site is different. But if you’re ready to do a deep dive on your website—getting rid of everything that doesn’t work and reworking what does—you can expect a full-scale website redesign project to take at least two months from start to finish. 

That being said, bear in mind that an overhaul could take longer depending on how many pages or sections you have, how complex your site structure is, and how many third-party integrations you need to build or platforms you need to migrate. Plan accordingly!

5) What kind of maintenance will be required?

The amount of maintenance your website will require will vary. Some platforms and providers can be more difficult than others, so it’s smart to ask detailed questions about how they manage security and what sort of maintenance is required. 

If you’re building your site on an open-source platform, for example, it might mean that you have to continuously update software and programs in order for everything to run smoothly. At times like these, outsourcing your web development company might be a good option. Consider all options when estimating website redesign costs.

6) If a team is involved, what will they cost?

A website redesign can have a broad range of costs, depending on its scope. For example, if you’re working with a team (such as a digital agency or in-house staff), that will affect pricing. Regardless of whether you’re handling your own design or working with someone else, you’ll need to determine what team members should be involved and how much their time is worth. 

You may also want to consider hiring freelancers for smaller tasks throughout your project such as copywriting or helping to find stock images. So keep these questions in mind: What resources do I need? How much do they cost? And how many hours will they work?

Here are Website redesign checklist

Before you begin redesigning your website, make sure you have a checklist of items to review. 

  • Are there pages or sections of your website that don’t align with your business objectives? 
  • Have you thoroughly reviewed how customers are currently finding, interacting with, and buying from your site? 
  • Are there any broken links or pages that aren’t loading properly? 
  • Do you need more space for any elements on the page (text, images, calls-to-action) in order to maximize conversion rates? 
  • Is any content being hidden or missing entirely because it isn’t formatted correctly for mobile devices? 

There are several questions like these that should be asked before even considering an overall design change.

How much could this website redesign end up costing me in total?

The big reason why it’s hard to say how much a website redesign will cost is that there are so many factors at play. 

It’s impossible for you to put a price on how much work goes into developing a web design, and it’s hard for web developers and designers to put a number on their services before they know exactly what you want. However, there are a few ways to circumvent all of that. 

In general, you can expect your total website redesign cost to fall somewhere between $5,000 and $50,000 (if not more). However, it may be worth spending more if you want your new site to get as many eyeballs as possible.

Do I have enough budget for this website redesign?

If you’re setting up a new site from scratch, estimating costs is fairly straightforward. If you want to redesign an existing site, however, getting a handle on all of your costs might be a little more complicated. 

There are many variables that go into calculating website redesign cost; for example, if you need a new domain name, or if your current web host doesn’t support your technology needs anymore. 

These kinds of business-related expenses can have significant cost impacts—so it’s important to consider and plan for them before they become real problems.


A redesign doesn’t have to be a big, scary event. Using one of these methods can help ensure you know what you’re in for and how much it will cost. 

And when it comes down to it, knowledge is power, so do your homework. When it comes time for a redesign, take advantage of web designing services if they are offered; there’s no substitute for getting your questions answered by professionals. 

By planning ahead, asking questions, and knowing where you want to go before setting out on your redesign journey, you can easily make all your hopes come true within your budget